Yang Jie science and technology: docking 55 resources, domestic silicon carbide leading prototype has emerged

2015-05-19 12:29:26

Recently, Yang Jie Technology Company and China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 55, Fanshi Investment, Jitai Keyuan, Guoyu Electronics signed the "Agreement of intent", all parties agreed that Yang Jie Technology through capital increase and equity transfer to obtain 38.87% of Guoyu Electronics. 55 pledged to further strengthen its support for Guoyu Electronics and realize the integration of relevant businesses of 55 in the production platform of Guoyu Electronics. Another 55 are cooperating with Yangjie Technology in silicon carbide chip and module products.

Docking 55 high - quality resources, silicon carbide field again

China Electronics Technology Group 55 is one of the few domestic from 4-6 inch silicon carbide epitaxial growth, chip design, manufacturing field to achieve the whole industry chain. 55 Institute has a 4-inch silicon carbide wafer production capacity, the most advanced silicon carbide devices in China, mainly for military use, the cooperation between the two parties is conducive to play a synergistic effect, efficient integration of domestic silicon carbide industry advantages of scarce resources, the third generation semiconductor industrialization breakthrough is expected. At the same time, through this cooperation can graft China electronics technology rich group resources, into more fields in the future, the growth space to open, the domestic silicon carbide chip leading prototype has been.

New energy vehicle power, silicon carbide domestic replacement curtain officially opened

New energy vehicles and charging piles have a strong demand for power conversion and will become one of the main pulling forces for silicon carbide demand. Yang Jie technology in advance of the layout of silicon carbide industry, has stood in the forefront of domestic silicon carbide devices, the future is expected to benefit from the wave of new energy vehicles, from the traditional silicon power device manufacturers to further change into a new type of silicon carbide power device manufacturers, to achieve the company's "second leap".